Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blogging for Beginners | How To

New to blogging? It's simply an ongoing dialogue among a community of people. Here are the easy steps to becoming a blogging genius:

1. Every entry is called a "post." The most recent posts are at the top of the page. To see the post and comments left by others, click the post headline [i.e., click Blogging for Beginners How To above to view this post and all comments left by others for this post].

2. To leave a comment, click the tiny word COMMENTS in the last line of each post. A separate window will pop up with other's comments. Scroll to the bottom and leave your comments.

3. Enter your Blogger name and password if you have one OR click "Other" and enter your name and www.pantego.org/ [as website...or choose another] OR click "Anonymous" and you don't have to make yourself known. But hey, we'd like to know who's writing!

4. Send the blog site URL [http://www.inagodplace.blogspot.com/] to a friend and invite them to join the conversation.

5. Check back often to see who has reflected on what you and others have written.

You're done!


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how anyone can want the free gift of eternal life, but not want a relationship, a personal one on one with God, Jesus. I think anyone who does this is missing the true gift.

Anonymous said...

debred, I agree. Do you hear some people suggesting that one gift is possible without the other?

Bornagainchristianforlife said...

I say Amen to that Debred!!!! The relationship with God is the best part!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how a person can have "fire insurance" and still get into heaven and not have a relationship with Christ. It baffles me.

Anonymous said...

I get it now, it's in the scrolls number 6. Thank you for spelling it out. Philippians 2: 12-18 states clearly that we must work out our salvation. "It's working deliberately to grow spiritualy until we're conformed to the likeness of God's Son."

Thank you for answering my prayers, now I know how to help out.

Lindsay said...

Thanks for the continuing passionate mesaage on belonging. As you continue discussing 'belonging ' , Amy and I realized that this is what leads to the fundamental difference between Pantego and other churches. While we, like other churches, feel like we belong and are prepared to do God's work, it's the desire of Pantego members to actively 'seek out' the needs of others. If called upon other churches are willing and prepared to help out but only as they are asked. Pantego persons are always seeking out needs of the community and neighbors and each other. Our sense of belonging and our desire to be more christlike actually empowers us to move around and look for others the same way Christ moved about with his disciples. He taught in the streets and fields and from boats in the communtiy. He healed people on the cobblestones and in their homes and at the town squares. This is why our steet lights and home groups thrive with Pantego because it is our calling from belonging to Christ. Lindsay Stite